On location ( Saint Petersburg) headshot challenging the rules of backlighting with only a SB-600!
I started off my week by making the very short drive to downtown St. Petersburg for a headshot with Pam. I met her last week at the new member orientation for the St. Petersburg Chamber of Commerce. Networking pays off! She also invited me to an exclusive meeting for select businesses in the area, with the one catch that it's at 7:15am!
Pam was a great headshot client. She knew how to pose without any coaching from me practically. I just tried to find good backgrounds within her office and also out in the building's elevated walkways. For the above shot, I thought I'd try to shoot the opposite way one would normally. Instead of having the subject face the natural sunlight, I chose to use that light as the background.
For the shot below, there was this very cool orange wall in Pam's office. Even though she has red hair, I thought I would again go against the rules and use it as a backdrop for a fun headshot.