Start your work week off with a free new wallpaper for your iPhone or iPod touch!
This alligator was photographed in Myakka River State Park. It was the most thrilling photography I have ever made. Why? Because I was in a kayak just a few feet away from this smiling (?) alligator. It was also my very first time to shoot from a kayak and I was quite concerned about dropping my Nikon D300 and Nikkor AF ED 80-200mm F2.8D lens right into the shallow Myakka River.
After a short time, however, I was able to develop a technique of paddling toward a subject and then just letting the kayak drift past it while I wielded the D300. I had no idea I had actually gotten so close to the alligator this time though because I was intent on getting the low angle and straight horizon I wanted.
As mentioned before, the water was really shallow, which caused a harmless accident a little bit later. This alligator eventually slid into the river and as I paddled to see where she or he had gone off too I actually paddled the kayak right over it! At first I felt great fear as I saw only an alligator leg over the side of the kayak and thought, will it seek revenge? But I never even saw it surface again until I was well far away. I related this story to the kayak rental staff person, and she told me not to worry and that this happens all the time and the alligator was no worse for wear from such an incident. I was relieved.
My full (and growing) collection of iPhone wallpapers can be viewed HERE and are available for just $1 each.
To Install the wallpaper onto your iPhone:
1. Right-click or control-click on the image.
2. Select “Save as…”
* Mac users: save the image to a folder or add it to your iPhoto library.
* PC users: save the image in your “My Pictures” folder.
Connect the iPhone/iPod Touch to your computer and do the following:
1. Launch iTunes, click your iPhone icon on iTunes, choose the Photos tab, and select “Sync photos from:”
2. From the pop-up menu, do one of the following:
* If your using a Mac, choose iPhoto or your Pictures folder.
* If you’re using a PC, choose My Pictures folder.
3. Choose Folder, then choose any folder on your computer that has images.
4. Choose “All photos,” or choose “Selected folders” or “Selected albums” and choose the folders or albums you want to sync.
On your iPhone:
5. Launch the Photos app. Browse through the albums or Camera Roll until you find the picture you wish to use.
6. Select the picture so it is displayed full screen.
7. Tap the icon in the lower left corner of the screen. If you don’t see the icon, single tap the picture to display the menus.
8. A menu pops up with three options: Email Photo, Use as Wallpaper, or Assign to Contact.
9. Choose “Use as Wallpaper"
Thanks to Photo Focus and Scott Bourne for the directions above.
All iPhone/iPod Touch Wallpapers are provided without any technical support. Each image is a 320×480 jpg file. All images are Copyright Jason Collin Photography, All Rights Reserved. You are granted a single use, non-exclusive, perpetual license to install this wallpaper on any iPhone or iPod Touch personally owned by you. This license grants you the right to use the wallpaper for non-commercial/personal use only. You may not re-sell, distribute, print or otherwise publish the image without the express written consent of the Copyright owner: Jason Collin Photography