Saw this sign (?) from my back patio in Snell Isle Florida
I often walk Kiki around 5:15pm these days, which happens to coincide with the current magic hour for this area of Florida. Often I am thinking, "I really hope Kiki appreciates this walk because I am missing out on some great chances to photograph some beautiful clouds," as clouds are one of my more favorite subject matters. Well, I got back in time from the walk on this particular day to make some photographs. The clouds I saw and wanted to photograph just before walking in the door were gone by the time I got back outside with the Nikon D300, Tamron 17-50mm lens and tripod. However, I went around back and saw this "X" up in the sky, so I was just pleased to finally be able to catch some magic hour clouds.
The image is a 9-bracket HDR processed in Photomatix then in Color Efex Pro 3.