Free desktop calendar wallpaper for February 2010, Colt Creek State Park HDR
Jason Collin Photography is offering the image "Colt Creek State Park HDR" as a free* desktop wallpaper calendar. If you use it as your desktop wallpaper, please let me know in the comments.
This image was made in September 2009 on a hot trek through little known Colt Creek State Park. Many of the trails were flooded so the view in the photograph above is as close as I got to the forest on the horizon that day. Someday I will return to the park and camp there to photograph the sunrise over the wetlands.
- PURCHASE the full resolution version of "Colt Creek State Park HDR."
- More FINE ART images can be viewed on the Fine Art page of this site.
* All desktop wallpapers are provided without any technical support. All images are Copyright Jason Collin Photography, All Rights Reserved. Removing the watermark by digital alteration or cropping is prohibited. You are granted a single use, non-exclusive, perpetual license to install this wallpaper on any personal computer personally owned by you. This license grants you the right to use the wallpaper for non-commercial/personal use only. You may not re-sell, distribute, print or otherwise publish the image without the express written consent of the Copyright owner: Jason Collin Photography