My first time to teach a pair of DSLR Photography students (Vinoy Park)
I promote my DSLR Photography Lessons as a chance to learn 1-on-1 with me on location, actually out taking photos, not just getting lectured in a classroom then given homework assignments. However, I had a request by a new student to bring a friend to take the lesson with her as well. Thus, Kellie and Amanda were my first time to teach a pair of students at once. It was also Amanda's birthday and her present was a new Olympus DSLR! It seems a lot of people are getting DSLRs and/or DSLR lessons as birthday gifts lately!
Kellie and Amanda had some traces of photography knowledge left over from when they used SLR film cameras, but basically we started from the meaning of aperture and built on that for the rest of the lesson. For a first lesson about how to use a DSLR camera, I base it on aperture. Even for me, aperture is the first setting I adjust when I begin shooting.
Having two students freed me from having to be the test subject for practicing continuous focus shooting! However, I did take up that duty for practicing flash portraits at the end of the lesson.
It was definitely more challenging and a different dynamic teaching two students at once, but it also offered a few new opportunities as well. I hope Amanda and Kellie help each other when they next go out shooting and I look forward to our next lesson.