Nikon D300 Tamron XR Di II 17-50mm f/2.8 @ f/11 ISO 200 3-bracket HDRIt has been over a month since I last did anything with my own personal photography project -- Sunny Florida at f/11. So today I made sure to bring my Nikon D300 with me as I knew I would be in an area I had not been in before with an hour to spare. The weather cooperated, as it does most days, and provided me with the sunny-ness this project requires.
Now I always tell people you need to use a tripod to make HDR shots, and well, I broke my own rule as I did not have my tripod with me, and really it is busted beyond use as well, so instead of my usual 7 or 9 bracket HDR technique, I just did this handheld 3-bracket shot. I even had to hold my D300 over my head. I only tried it twice (this is the second attempt above). The first attempt was ok, but the for the second one I really focused on my breathing and held my breath as I held the shutter down. The exhaling technique does not work as well as just holding my breath for me.
The three, tall, royal palm trees all grew out of the same cluster base. If a botanist can tell us if they are all sisters or all one tree that would be cool.