Kathleen wields her full frame Canon 5D Mark II during our DSLR photography lesson in St Petersburg
My DSLR Photography Lesson with Kathleen was the first time a student had a full frame DSLR. Her Canon 5D Mark II did not look that much different than past students' Canon 7D DSLRs to my surprise. I thought it would have more buttons, etc. Despite having such a powerful camera, Kathleen was still shooting in auto mode! (I was also surprised the 5D Mark II even had an auto mode.) So we definitely had to remedy that right away to help her start getting the most of her full frame DSLR.
Kathleen also had a very nice L series Canon f/4 17-40mm lens. No limits with gear! To get Kathleen off auto mode I explained how to shoot in aperture priority mode, set ISO and white balance, and choose the correct focus modes for a variety of shooting situations. She had accidentally produced shots with bokeh in the past, but I taught her how to do it on purpose.
We ended the lesson with flash portrait practice. I look forward to seeing the improvements in Kathleen's shots, as well as to our next lesson.