Nikon D80 Nikkor AF 50mm f/1.8D @ f/2 ISO 800 1/100th
As myself, I do not often go over to other people's houses, being somewhat of a recluse. However, as a photographer I find myself in places I would otherwise never venture. One such place was a downtown St. Petersburg condo with as good of a view as you can get in this area. I was there to photograph a wedding (photos). The owner of the condo was obviously well off and appreciated the arts for the condo had assorted sculptures and paintings throughout it.
The sculpture above at first startled me with its realness. It was creepy. I did not want to look at it, but one does not see such a piece of art in a domestic setting that often. The start of the wedding was delayed so I had a few spare moments to try and best photograph this most unusual severed hands, abruptly scalped sculpture. The figure appeared to be staring into the room. Boring her eyes into something. I did not want to photograph that gaze directly so opted for this profile shot, allowing me to include a bit of bokeh from the hanging lights in the dining room.
What do you think has her so perplexed?