Pine cone stuck to a swinging bench - Nikon D300 Nikkor AF-S 105mm VR f/2.8G lens @ f/4 ISO 200 1/100thFall and winter in west-central Florida are not constants. For example, just Wednesday a cold front came through bringing hours of rain and arctic (for us) 48 degree weather at night and 50s during the day Thursday. Today is Friday and I am writing in shorts and short sleeves with the ceiling fan on and all the windows open. Summer returned.
So it is difficult to be a traditional seasonal photographer in this part of Florida. There are no autumn leaves to photograph to time stamp an image to have been made in the fall. There is of course certainly no snow to illustrate any given photo is from winter.
Seeing this pine cone wedged on a bench swing was the most autumnal scene I have observed this year. Post a link to your photographs that represent fall and winter in Florida to you below in the comments, and for non-Floridians, I enjoy seeing what real fall and winter look like too!