Miles takes a swing with his Canon T2i during our DSLR Photography Lesson in St. PetersburgI was contacted by Miles' girlfriend about getting him a 1-on-1 DSLR Photography Lesson as a present for his birthday. I of course said that sounds like a great idea and I sent her the gift certificate to be printed out and wrapped up. I did not meet Miles in the usual downtown St. Petersburg spot due to the grand prix going on there, so we met at a new location for me, a small park at the end of Coffee Pot Blvd known to be a manatee gathering spot, and sure enough we saw several manatees along the water.
Miles had a lot of good questions to ask me to start out the lesson, many of which centering on which lens to get next, and along with teaching my 4-step process for making any shot well exposed and in focus, the small park provided a comfortable setting for that discussion and then the view of Coffee Pot Bayou from the park provided a good subject to practice making shots of.
I had a good time during my lesson with Miles and I look forward to seeing what lens he gets next!