Getting things setup to photograph flowers using an industrial light system in TampaI have taught over 200 1-on-1 DSLR Photography Lessons to people who were mostly hobbyists wanting to get better at making photographs for themselves. However, I am increasingly teaching people who want to get better at photography for improving their own business. These are what I call Commercial DSLR Photography Lessons. Such was the case when I went over to Tampa to teach Gopal (holding camera above) how to photograph flower arrangements using the lighting and gear he currently had.
I still began the lesson like I do any other, by teaching Gopal my step-by-step processing for setting the camera in order to procduce a well exposed and sharp image in any given shooting condition. From there we went to using his very specific setup in the same room he would be photographing the floral arrangements. I gave advice on where to better position the lights and how to manipulate the exposure to produce the darker overall tone to the images that he wanted.
In addition to this shooting process we also covered a little bit of digital editing workflow. I look forward to seeing his final images using all we covered that afternoon.