Professional Commercial Photography for a Day Spa in Albuquerque
he whole time I was at Remedy Day Spa in Albuquerque, New Mexico making better than stock images, commercial portraits, and interior and exterior photos, I kept thinking to myself, “who knew this oasis was right in the middle of ABQ??” I met Mandy, the owner, who wanted me to capture the full range of spa services she has available, from secluded wooden barrels hot tub soaks, to professional massage, to a large yoga studio. It was one of the most wide ranging commercial photo shoots I have had. The photos feature the actual Remedy team in them, for that better than stock image photo feel because it shows the actual Remedy Day Spa team in the actual Remedy Day Spa setting. Now, all of Albuquerque can see and discover this hidden gem right in Nob Hill! Thank you Mandy for choosing me as your photographer and also to the Remedy team that did a great job in front of the lens all day. And thank you to Jessica for assisting on this, I wish I had gotten a BTS shot of you holding that huge diffuser over the hot tub!
Better than stock photography makes a big impact for your website
I really promote what I call better than stock photography for local Albuquerque, Rio Rancho, and Santa Fe businesses. Why use impersonal stock photography of some undefined space? It is so much more impactful to feature your actual team in your actual location on your website for an authentic view of what your clients, patients, guests, and customers can expect. Use the buttons below to contact me today to get better than stock photography for your business.
Show the experience of your Albuquerque business
Your staff in your space for your website photos in Albuquerque

Interior Exterior Commercial Real Estate Photography at an ABQ Spa