Jason's own Suunto Vector watch that has been to the top of Mt. Fuji and the jungles of BorneoWhen was the last time you picked up your camera? If you do not do photography for a living, it may have been awhile. If you are a pro photographer, when was the last time you took your camera out for just some simple personal shooting? Days can easily turn into weeks and your DSLR has not had a single actuation put on it. Just like everything else, one has to make time for photography.
This is certainly true for myself, as I very rarely go out on my own (no Kiki) to make photographs just for fun. So this afternoon I made the time and went to Boyd Hill Nature Preserve for some macro photography (photos here). Even though I really like macro photography, I had to make the effort and take the time to do it.
So within the next week, be sure and make at least one morning, afternoon or evening just for shooting what you like, for fun. Let me know how it goes in the comments below.