Me using Kristin's camera to demonstrate where to stand for on camera bounce flash.For our third of four 1-on-1 DSLR Photography Lessons I met Kristin in the usual downtown St. Petersburg spot. This time she brought her new Canon 430 EX II external flash to practice how to improve her portrait making. We started off using some bounce flash techniques by positioning the subject (alternatively me and Kristin) against a wall that was near another perpendicular well, or to put it simply, near a corner! In this way we bounced the flash off the perpendicular wall to create softer shadows and more even light on the subject (see image above).
We concluded by using her external flash (on camera) to help make landscape portraits at sunset time and beyound. It is a fine art of balancing the power of the flash with the exposure of the ambient light so that the subject does not look too "flashed." I look forward to seeing Kristin's creative portraits when we meet for our next lesson.