Our setup for Steve's strobist off camera flash DSLR photography lesson right on the beautiful St. Petersburg waterfront
Steve took his second DSLR Photography Lesson in as many weeks. This time we focused entirely on off camera flash, or simply known as strobist. This is currently my favorite thing about photography so it was really fun for me also to teach a lesson entirely on getting the flash of the camera.
Steve has a Canon XT and a third party flash. We used my Yongnuo remote flash triggers and my tripod as a light stand. I also put my HONL snoot onto his flash to help diffuse the light.
We had a number of laughs using ourselves as the models for the lesson. Perhaps the biggest smile of all came when Steve began to realize how awesome, and how relatively easy, off camera flash photography is. It is always very satisfying to share photography knowledge with such tangible results.
I made this portrait of Steve using my Nikon D300 and his 3rd party flash (see setup above)