Dan with his Gibson guitar 3/4 headshot for media promotion - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm @ f/8 1/100th ISO 200 - Strobist: SB-800 in 43" brolly to frame right
Dan MC headshot made right in his living room with digital background inserted in Photoshop later in editing - Nikon D300 Nikkor 80-200mm @ f/8 1/100th ISO 200 - Strobist: SB-800 in 43" brolly to frame right & SB-600 in shoot through umbrella to frame left
I shot everything on a white background then inserted the various black & gradient backgrounds in digitally using Photoshop. You can see the difference when using only one speedlight off camera (guitar image), which creates a dramatic look through shadow, and then with using two speedlights off camera which creates a different dynamic look with backlighting.