The challenge of photographing people in a low light action shot solved by choosing to use a high ISO
Photography while wearing steel toed shoes
I traveled down to Belen for a commercial photography shoot at Aristech Surfaces not really knowing what to expect at all. I had a shortlist, but it was filled with terms like “ocean breeze” and “open pour line.” Right away I knew this would be a very different shoot as I had to put on steel toed shoes and a hard hat! (see the BTS photo below). After gearing up both for photography and safety, it was time to do the actual shooting in the plant that was quite noisy and smelled like plastics. I also had safety glasses on that made looking into my Sony a7R IV rather awkward. This is all part of a being a pro photographer, instantly adapting to a totally unexpected shooting environment while wearing weird shoes and glasses. Thank you to new assistant Pam for helping out on this challenging shoot.
Backlit resin sheet looks like a portal to another dimension
I was told several times by the plant manager escorting me around that this type of blue panel, called Ocean Breeze, in particular was bought by Madonna and resides over the bar in her Malibu home! If anyone has been to her house, can you verify this??