Professional Business Headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico with Jeff

the best professional business headshots in Albuquerque New Mexico made to client need

Business Headshots suited to the client in Albuquerque

Jeff visited the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico needing a very specific business headshot with guidelines provided by the new company he is working for. They had a neutral, soft gray background and were a centered orientation style headshot. Here is a photography secret: you do not need to go out and buy a gray background. A white background, depending on how you light it, looks gray! The physical background used for this headshot, is the exact same one used for this one, for example. Know matter what your headshot needs are, I can produce a professional, modern headshot for you here or right at the location fo your choice, be it your office or home.

The Best Business Headshots in Albuquerque