Creative black background business headshot made in my Home Studio in Albuquerque New Mexico - Nikon D750 with Nikkor 50mm f/1.8G @ f/2.8 1/1250th ISO 100 - strobist: Godox AD600 monolight in 36" Cheetahstand RiceBowl 16-ribbed softbox
Sometimes, well many times, photo shoots come up very quickly in the reality of how things go for a professional photographer. Such was the case with Brian emailing me at 10:45am about a headshot, and by 12:45pm he was in the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico for a headshot session. Good thing I have replaced all my hard to setup soft boxes with great, new quick setup Cheetahstand ones!
Brian was a very good headshot client. He only had the requirement that at least one of the headshots look conservative. This was due to the nature of the new company he just started working for. That headshot would be used for his profile on their website. My favorite from the headshot session is the one above using just a single light source and high speed flash sync (i.e. a shutter speed above 1/250th synced with a flash) to make the background look completely black.
I can be ready within hours to make a great headshot for you too!