Graduation Headshot Portraits in Studio in Albuquerque with Maria

Grad Headshot Portraits for ABQ 2022 grads

Having recently graduated and wanting headshot portraits to celebrate the occasion, Maria visited the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico with her mom to have a variety of photos made, some with her master’s white collar on, some with different sashes, and some with cap on or off. It is a complicated process to have the cap just right, the sash just right, and especially that white master’s collar is particularly troublesome to get to stay in place! In the end, Maria chose 7 headshot portraits and I am very pleased with the results were were able to get. It was a true team effort with myself, Maria, and her mom all helping to get these photos! Thank you Maria for choosing me as your grad headshot portrait photographer!

Give a lifetime gift of photography to a 2022 grad in Albuquerque

If you are looking for a gift that will last forever for a recent grad you know, a headshot portrait session is just that gift. Use the buttons below to contact me today to schedule or gift a photo session.

Modern Creative Portraits for Grads in Albuquerque