Team Headshots for PayneWest in Albuquerque New Mexico for 27 people head-to-toe

Getting creative with shooting and setting up for head-to-toe headshots in New Mexico

This past summer PayneWest had its annual awards event here in New Mexico where I made event photos, but before that, 27 team members visited the mobile studio setup for a head-to-toe headshot that featured their personality. Even after 13 years, new things can come up with a shoot, and this time it was using a seamless paper background on location for head-to-toe headshots, which I have done many, many times, but this time the space provided had carpeting! Paper on carpet is no good, with high heels instantly going through the paper. I had to think quick, and asked the staff at Hyatt Regency Tamaya Resort and Spa if they had any portable dance floor squares, thinking back to my wedding photographer days. They did! So then the head-to-toe headshots could proceed where I shot tethered (see below) so that each person could see instant results and change up their pose how they liked. Thank you to the team at PayneWest for choosing me as your photographer!

Get head-to-toe headshots for your entire team in New Mexico

For the best team headshots, be they traditional framing or head-to-toe, made conveniently at your location anywhere in New Mexico, use the buttons below to contact me today about how your team can have a fun and creative headshot made even during a conference!

Head-to-Toe headshots that show personality for the entire team in Albuquerque

Shooting headshots tethered for instant client review and proofing