
Resize photographs to exact sizes with Photoshop for best online presentation on Facebook & Linkedin

What is the final step in editing digital photos that you will display online?  Resizing.  This is a very simple thing to do, but very important for presenting your photographs online in the best possible quality.  Just uploading full resolution images is very rarely the way to go for a number of reasons.  One is that it takes up a lot of space and many websites do not allow large file uploads.  Secondly, who knows what kind of recompression and resizing websites use in presenting your images.  This is why every single image you see of mine online has been exactly resized in Photoshop to the best possible size for the location it is displayed on.  

In the above screenshot you can see the Photoshop Image Size dialogue box.  The Mac keyboard shortcut to get to it is: OPTION-CMD-I or you can go into the menus:  Image --> Image Size.  I use pixel count to resize my images.  Every image in the blog section of my website (you are looking at it now) is resized to 600px on the width maximum because that is what fits within the body portion of the blog page.  Photoshop will keep the height in proportion automaticaly when I type in 600px for the width, see it chose 399px for the height in the above example.

There is no loss in image quality when resizing in Photoshop, which is why I use it for all my images.  If I just let Squarespace (my content management system) resize a much larger image for me, that will eat up my alloted storage space much quicker and worse, may not display my photographs in maximum quality.  There could be pixelating resulting from poor resizing.

In the headshot example above, each one is 250px on the width.  The image on the left shows what can happen if a smaller image is stretched to a larger size.  A lot of detail in the image is lost.  The headshot on the right was resized from the original photograph to exactly 250px and looks like the full resolution image in detail and quality.  The same poor image quality can result if you upload a huge image then compact it into a much smaller space.  This has happened with past headshot clients actually.  Most website profile photos are only about 200px on the width, which is the case for popular networking site Linkedin.  So when the client uploads their full resolution headshot (2000px or larger) and Linkedin tries to squeeze that into just 200px worth of space, the image will look horrible.  In the case the client did not have resizing skills, I sent them a 200px version of their headshot.  

Facebook is a photograph displaying disaster.  They remain the only site that degrades image quality that I know of.  It is preposterous that they do it when no other photo intensive site does.  Still, it is an important place for me to show my work so I do upload my photos to it.  Even though I resize my images in Photoshop to Facebook's exact required dimensions, their resampling engines go to work on my images reducing their image quality.  

Since adding the feature to display a cover image to a Facebook profile, I have seen an increase in strangely sized and proportioned images on Facebook.  The exact dimension required is 851x315.  Nice even numbers you can remember easily right?

So how can you resize your photo to fit a Facebook Cover image space and minimize the image quality reduction Facebook will apply to the image anyway?  Load the image in Photoshop, choose the Crop Tool, and enter in the pixel dimensions of 851x315.  Select the area of the photograph.  Since 851x315 is a strange proportion, you will almost never be able to fit your whole photo in that area.  Once you crop the image to the right ratio, you still have to resize it.  Then go into Image Size as described above and type in 851 for the width.  Now you can upload a photo that will fit perfectly into the Facebook cover image spot, but you will notice the quality reduction applied despite this.

Photography Tip - show your photos to people online

Digital photography is no doubt a revolution in photography.  There are many reasons for this, but one very big one is that simply more photographs exist because of the ease of making a digital photograph.  Combine this with the existence of the Internet, and in 2013 there are infinitely more photos and more people to see them than there were just 15 years ago.  Any level of photographer benefits from showing her/his photographs online, from the full-time pro, to the budding amateur, to the serious enthusiast.  




There is nothing like honest feedback on your images to help you improve your photography.  It is easy to fall in love with your own photographs, so often it takes another pair of eyes to point out a few things that could have imporoved the photograph.  Showing your photos online allows a photographer to get the constructive criticism needed to make it to the next photography level.


Sometimes I have a pretty good idea how popular a photo will be, however, many times I am surprised by which photo people like the most.  Showing my photos online has caused me to like or "discover" my own photos due to them being popular or liked for other reasons I did not see at first.  If not for showing these photos online and seeing what other people liked, they may have just lied in waste on my hard drive.  Also, you can ask people why they liked a particular photo more than another one and get useful feedback.

  • GET PAID!!

Just from having my photos online and discoverable by Google search, I have made money from selling prints and website usage licenses.  This is like found money to me.  The work has already been done making the photograph, and then by making just a little more effort to show that photo online, each time that is done the potential is created for selling and making money from a photograph.


Why I show my photographs on flickr -- my flickr page

~flickr was one of the original photo sharing websites.  There are tons of users on it and you can search for photos made by a specific camera and lens.  This helped me learn how to use my own gear.  I have sold several photos because people found them on my flickr page.  flickr is also very good for judging how popular a photograph is with a large audience.  There are also flickr groups you can submit your photos to for critique.  I have a pro account and recommend spending that small yearly fee as I usually sell a photo or two that covers that cost anyway.

Why I show my photographs on Google+ -- my Google+ page

~I started using Google+ because a lot of pro photographers were and when it first debuted it quickly became the hot site to show your photos.  Supposedly no one uses Google+ now, but I just heard this past week that it is still very good to post your photos to Google+ because Google gives search result preference to Google+ content.  For that reason alone I will keep using it.  Also, since it is not so populated, it makes it easy to follow the select few pro photographers I like to.

Why I show my photographs on facebook -- my facebook page

~Because everybody is on facebook!  Besides my own website, it is the most powerful online marketing tool for a photographer.  I friend my clients, put the photos from our shoots on my business facebook page and tag the clients in the photos.  This starts a network of their friends being exposed to my work, and their friends, etc, etc.  I also receive a lot of feedback on what is popular and can stay in touch with past clients.  I encourage clients to "like" my business page so they can follow my current work as well.  There is no other indirect way better for keeping in clients' mindview than the facebook timeline feed.