Best Headshots for Actors and Actresses in Albuquerque New Mexico with Sheryl

Best Headshots for Actors and Actresses in Albuquerque New Mexico with Sheryl

Creative actress headshot photo session in ABQ with a makeup artist

Sheryl was first going to visit the JCP Home Studio in Albuquerque, New Mexico for an actor headshot session last fall, but she is a very busy person and often out of ABQ for months at a time. Finally everything aligned for her to get new actress headshots this week and also for Hillary to come over to be the makeup artist for the shoot, as Hillary was a past actor headshot client and was the person who referred Sheryl to me! It was a great headshot session and I really like the results we got showcasing Sheryl’s personality from serious to smiling. Thank you for the referral Hillary and to Sheryl for still choosing me as her actor headshot photographer!

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Professional Bottle Product Photography in Albuquerque for Keto Cola

Professional Bottle Product Photography in Albuquerque for Keto Cola

Professional Bottle Product Photography available in Albuquerque

I often learn new things about photography because of getting certain photo jobs. Such was the case with this shoot for Chuck, founder / inventor of Keto Cola. I had never photographed bottles before so it was an adapting, adjusting, and refining process to make these cola bottle photos. Once I got the setup fine tuned for the result Chuck liked, it was then a one right after the other process that I could consistently repeat. I got to use my Light Cone from V-Flat World and my new continuous LED lights. This combo, along with shooting tethered with live view allowed me to show Chuck what the final photo would look like without even pushing the shutter. The glowing yellow photo you see above is a composite image I made using three different bottle photos.

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Professional Personal Branding Photography for Interior Designers with Racheal

Professional Personal Branding Photography for Interior Designers with Racheal

Personal branding photo shoot with an interior designer in ABQ

Interior designer Racheal contacted me about making some personal branding photos here in Albuquerque to help her jump start her business’ website and marketing campaign. She had access to a great location that allowed us to make a large variety of photos in just a one hour shoot. It also helped she did great in front of the camera too! Thank you Racheal for choosing me as your personal branding photographer!

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Personal Branding Photography for Attorneys in Albuquerque with David

Personal Branding Photography for Attorneys in Albuquerque with David

In studio personal branding session with an Albuquerque attorney

A great choice I am now offering clients are branding photo shoots at YDS Studio in Nob Hill. That is where I met David, an attorney, who wanting a variety of branding photos from seated to standing. Using the great new physical backgrounds at YDS Studio I was able to make the kinds of branding photos David was looking for. With the huge windows on one side of the studio, I was even able to use natural light for some of these photos. David was great in front of the camera and open to using all the studio space had to offer. Plus, I offer tethered shooting in studio so he could see the results instantly on a 16” screen. Thank you David for choosing me as your photographer!

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Professional Artwork Photography for fine art sculpture in Albuquerque with Sharon

Professional Artwork Photography for fine art sculpture in Albuquerque with Sharon

The right light to make the best sculpture photographs in ABQ

It was great to have Sharon back in the JCP Home Studio with two more of her sculptures. I was surprised our first shoot was already over 1.5 yers ago! Last time we used a white seamless background, but Sharon wanted something this time for the limestone fox and marble birds. I suggested using one of my stone surface Duo Boards with just a black V-flat background. A little bit of tweaking of the light, adding a reflector, and voila, I was able to produce the high impact sculpture photos below (see the BTS shot for how I set things up). Shooting tethered really help me show Sharon how the light wrapped her sculpture in real time, so we could add some fill light with a reflector when needed for certain views of the sculptures. I of course welcome artist input during the entire shoot, as Sharon knows the views of her sculptures the best! Thank you Sharon for continuing to choose me as the photographer for your fantastic artwork!

Check out Sharon’s website to buy these pieces and more like them!

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Industrial Water Engineering Team Group Photos at 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Industrial Water Engineering Team Group Photos at 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta

Balloon Fiesta Background for ABQ Team Photo

I met the IWE team early in the morning of one of the last days of the 50th Albuquerque Balloon Fiesta to make team photos with the balloons as the background. As anyone who was in town the week of the 50th Balloon Fiesta knows, the weather was pretty terrible. So taking that into consideration, the fact that there was a mass ascension without rain was a win, even though skies were overcast. Despite that, I was still able to make the group photos IWE wanted and the balloons were not as far in the background as I expected either. With 25+ people in a group shot, it takes a bit of setting up in terms of lighting and then orientating everyone in the photo. Using a 3 light setup, which you can see in the BTS shot below, I was able to add some fill light and make the IWE team standout from the overcast skies. Thank you to Aime and everyone at IWE for getting up early, getting organized in front of the camera, and for choosing me as your photographer! Thanks also to Jessica for getting up early and assisting on this shoot making sure the 42” SoupBowl stayed in place.

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Albuquerque Lawyer Branding - Photography Better Than Stock!

Albuquerque Lawyer Branding - Photography Better Than Stock!

Branding Headshots and Interior Photography for Lawyers in ABQ

It was a fun shoot at Peak Legal Group here in Albuquerque, New Mexico with Sheryl and Harold and their dog who made an appearance in several photos. It’s all part of making good branding photos, including your dog, your own personality, and yourself! It was a wide ranging shoot at their firm making interior photos, as well as better than stock photography of the two lawyers with a “client,” and then also studio quality headshots. You can see in the BTS shot that I can make studio quality headshots even in the tiniest of spaces! Thank you Harold and Sheryl for choosing me as your photographer.

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